
A. 作品简介: John Wood Community College provides its faculty, 工作人员, 学生, and others with Internet access and electronic communications services through its network as required for College‐related duties, 责任, 研究, 或活动. John Wood Community College computing systems and resources should be used for College purposes, including instructional, 研究, 行政, public service for information, or other approved tasks.

B. Responsibilities of Network Users: John Wood Community College network users have the responsibility to use the JWCC computing systems and resources in an ethical and lawful manner. 网络用户应:

  1. Know and understand the JWCC Computing Use Policy;
  2. Abide by Copyright, Fair Use, and Intellectual Property laws;
  3. Maintain their own files, save and back up all data and remove outdated material from network storage;
  4. Protect the integrity of their accounts by changing passwords regularly, not giving passwords to any other person, and not leaving a networked computer without logging out;
  5. Abide by existing federal, state, and local telecommunications and networking laws and regulations;
  6. Avoid creating unnecessary network congestion that will interfere with other network users, such as:
    • Inappropriate mailing to large distribution lists;
    • Downloading large files;
    • Receiving streaming audio and video; and
    • Participating in game with other Internet users in real-time.

C. Restrictions of Network Users: John Wood Community College faculty, 工作人员, 学生, or other authorized users will not use College computing facilities for:

  1. Any activity which is illegal under Federal or State law, including but not limited to:
    • Accessing material prohibited by law, such as child pornography; and
    • Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material, 包括软件, 图片, audio, 或视频. See Copyright, Fair Use and intellectual Property regulations.
  2. Any activity that violates the integrity or interferes with the normal operation of the College computing system, including but not limited to:
    • Installing unauthorized software
  3. Unauthorized use of another person’s identification and password;
  4. Unauthorized transfer of a file or files;
  5. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read or change its contents;
  6. Any other activity which causes a significant drain upon College computing resources, including but not limited to:
    • Participation in chain letters
  7. Any other activity that interferes with the work of another JWCC student, 教员, 工作人员, or College or other official;
  8. Unauthorized financial gain or commercial activity;
  9. Any obscene, harassing, or defamatory activity; and
  10. Any partisan political activities.

D. 网络用户风险: All users are deemed to accept the risks and nature of networked computing. Users may lose their “private” person status because of photographs, 个人信息, and opinions they publish on the computer network. Among other risks, the College cannot be held responsible for:

  1. System crashes or hardware failure: It is the responsibility of users to regularly save and back up their work, to protect themselves from system crashes or hardware failures that would interrupt work and/or destroy data.
  2. 病毒: Despite College computing security efforts, viruses can still invade the network and personal files.
  3. Criminal activity of others: The integrity of any computer system depends on the integrity of the users; innocent victims may suffer from the actions of forgers, 入侵者, 或剽窃者.
  4. Offensive electronic publications: Users may encounter offensive material on networked computer systems. The presence of certain publications may have to be tolerated in a community that values the rights of free speech.
  5. 资料私隐: Users should recognize security limitations when storing confidential information on computer equipment owned, leased or operated by JWCC.
  6. 使用电脑: Because the College network is intended for College‐related duties, 责任, 研究, 或活动, the College reserves the right to audit and monitor compliance with this Policy and full access to computer equipment owned, leased or operated by JWCC.


